Sunday, February 27, 2011

Growing up in the 90's

I received an e-mail last week titled “You know you grew up in the 90’s if …”.  It was a great read and made me think back on the days I was in primary school.  How time flew past.

Did you have those Where’s Wally Books, Walkman’s, Yo Yo’s, Barbie and Ken, Trolls, my Little Pony or Puppy in my Pocket?  Did you collect Diaper Babies with nappies which changed pink for girls and blue for boys?  Did you take plastic cartoon lunch boxes and juice bottles to school or lucky charm bracelets?  Did you have at least one tamagotchi?

Do you remember collecting and trading tazos, watching Kiddeo, Pumpkin Patch, Zet, Full House or The Dinosaurs, when it was worth getting up early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons, reading Goosebumps and Sweet Valley, Zoo biscuits, those Spice Girl lollipops and Spice Girl Shoes, when everything was “Da Bomb” or you said “NOT” after every sentence, playing “Down by the Bumble Bushes” and Mario Brothers, when everything was settled with rock, paper, scissors, Captain Planet, Macarena and Sexy Eyes and Windows 95 was the best program ever.

We did not have facebook, twitter, the internet or text messaging.  Before iPods, Playstation 1, 2 and 3, Wi or X-box.  Instead of renting DVD’s we rented VHS tapes and we recorded programs on VCR’s.  We were happy and carefree.

If you did have and do remember some of the above, I welcome you to my blog my fellow 90’s kid!!

If I were the Boss ...

When I dream of being the boss I dream of starting work at 10:00, only to leave again at 15:00.  I dream about reaping the rewards, while others do the hard work for me.  I dream about living the good life and not worrying about the next day.

When I think about being the “boss” I think something totally different.  The website, defines a boss as being an employer or manager, or a person with authority, a decision-maker, or a dominant person.

A boss needs to be a leader, a motivator, an example and a mentor.  A boss’ workday never ends.  There will always be something that needs to be done; it does not matter what time of day or night.  A boss does the strategic work, dividing the technical duties between the employees, making it possible for everyone to reap the rewards.  It’s true that the boss lives the good life, but he/she will always worry about the workplace and if the business will survive tough economic times, changing work culture and ways in which the business can keep up with the leaders in the trade or even be the leaders in the trade. 

Therefore, if I were the boss, I would work hard, think hard, keep goals in mind and yes, sometimes play hard.  My aim would be to be the “World’s Best Boss”.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Road Rage

Today I am confessing on the World Wide Web that I might have one of the worst cases of road rage ever!  No, seriously … I made my friend cry.

I am generally a quiet, caring, kind, loving and gentle soul.  I will do anything to make life for my fellow human-being easier.  It’s my nature to support someone going through a tough time in their life.

But …

When I climb into my car and close the door behind me, I transform into a very stiff-necked, alert driver with a VERY bad temper.  Reason for this behaviour is the fact that I bought my very own car in December 2009.  I pay my own instalments and insurance.  Although it’s not a glamorous vehicle, my car is my little piece of gold and I feel the need to protect it.

I am a Capetonian born and bread, but a lot of people will agree with me that the quality of Cape Town drivers is horrible!  They change lanes without indicating, swerve from one side to the other, don’t thank you for giving them a space in traffic, they don’t respect your vehicle’s personal space and speeds right up to the rear of your car, making it feel as if they are sitting on your back seat and listening to your conversation.  If it starts raining no one knows how to drive!  They switch to a state of panic and shock, hence all the accidents during rainy weather.

Taxi’s.  If I see a taxi, I see red.  How on earth is it possible for them to drive anyway they want, pushing you off the road and best of all, they get away with it. 

I know my ranting and raving won’t help the situation, but somehow I feel a bit better, even if passengers in my car and occupants of cars around me look at me in a strange way.  I might not be the world’s best driver, but I do try and keep other people’s safety in mind when driving.  I just wish everyone will do the same.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two people come out of a building and into a story

Being human, we differ very much from each other.  Each day we are placed in situations where we are in contact with each other - at home, in and around the office, in class, etc. 

Sometimes we judge people, I even judge people.  We judge each other on the clothes we wear, the way our hair is styled, the manner in which we speak and a whole range of different things. 

The truth is, when two people come out of a building, they walk into their own story.  They walk into their life.  The phrase, “back to reality” comes to mind. 

We can look at the following scenario:

Person A and Person B leaves the building their workplace is situated in.  Person A always feels that  Person B does not dress right for work or “look” the part of a good employee.  Person B has sagging eyes and Person A thinks he is on drugs or even an alcoholic.  Person A decides to have it investigated the next morning – a drug test.

Person A comes from a wealthy family.  He drives a new Mercedes Benz and is on his way to his closely knit family in their double story house in the Suburbs of Cape Town.  When he arrives at home, he has a wife waiting for him with a warm, cooked meal.  His children are well behaved and do well in school. 

Person B comes from an average family.  He drives an old Ford, as money can be better spent on food or school fees.  He comes home, to find his wife not yet home from her workplace.  He prepares supper - noodles.  His wife comes home, only to tell him that their son is in trouble again.  He was suspended from school, as he was in the possession of drugs and on a “high”.  Together they wonder where they will get enough money to send him to rehab - AGAIN.  Person B lies awake during the night, stressing, hence the sagging red eyes.

Person A was SO quick to judge.  He didn’t even know the situation.  This is a simple scenario, but very true.

We must stop judging others and learn to look at our own faults.  When you are a 100% perfect, you will have my blessing to judge.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Climbing ...

I was privileged enough to climb out Table Mountain yesterday.  What an experience!  It was a perfect day with an absolutely beautiful view.

As a group we undertook the Platteklip Gorge trail.  We were told that it is the most difficult trail, but being young (and in our minds ALWAYS knowing better), feeling self assured and brave we decided that Platteklip Gorge was no match for us.  Little did we know …

While climbing, I found myself being tired, discouraged, in pain, thirsty and out of breath.  Each step became a whole new challenge.

Upon reaching the top, a whole hour and 45 minutes later, I was overwhelmed by the moment.  Nothing could compare.  I did it!!  I reached the top of what seemed to be a never-ending trail.  The view was breathtaking.  All tiredness, discourages, and pain disappeared. 

About a hour later, we decided to start descending.  Another great experience on its own.  I can remember almost reaching the road at the bottom of the trail and thinking to myself that climbing this mountain was a lot like life.  We start our journey feeling self assured and brave, but along the way we are thrown into certain situations where we feel tired, discouraged, in pain, thirsty and out of breath.  Although the trail of life seems never-ending, we learn valuable lessons out of each step, forming our character along the way. 

Will I do the trail again?  I am proud to give you a definite yes!

Designer PR?

A little more than two years ago the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in Cape Town, South Africa, decided to move its course on Public Relations Management from the Business Faculty to the Informatics and Design Faculty.  At this moment Students and lecturers alike, disapproved of the decision.

In theory, Public Relations Management can be viewed as a business element.  The definition of Public Relations as per the Public Relations Institute of South Africa (PRISA) states that public relations is the deliberate planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between the organisation and its publics, both internally and externally.

In practice I feel it’s a whole different story.  Do I see Public Relations as being a designer element, rather than a business element?  Yes.  Ofcourse there is business elements within Public Relations Management, but without creativity, attention to design detail and knowledge of the latest information technologies Public Relations Management might be a challenging venture.

What do Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Versace, Chanel and Public Relations have in common?  It’s all “Designers” in their various trades.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I am ...

What does it mean to be human?  At first it seems easy enough to define “human” as being part of the homosapien species.  For me it is not enough though.  In fact, I feel there is more to being “human”.

In his book, Malignant Self Love, Dr. Sam Vaknin asks the question, “Are we human because of unique traits and attributes not shared with either animal or machine?”  He then answers himself by stating it is a definition by negation - that which separates humans from animal and machine is our "human-ness".

According to John Sistare, there are five principles which make us “human” and separate us from animal and machine.  They are:

1.      Dignity.
2.      Integrity.
3.      Human Totality.
4.      Stewardship & Creativity.
5.      Conscience.
There are certain “needs” which must also be met to make us fully human.  These “needs” are:

1.      Biological Need, which is the nine body systems we have to care for.
2.      Psychological Need is the 11 feelings and nine senses us, as humans, have.
3.      Spiritual Need is the need of intellect and free will as oppose to mere instinct.
4.      Social Need, which is the need to build relationships and communicate with our fellow man.
5.      Transcendental Need is the need for belief.

Therefore, I am a daughter, a grand daughter, a sister, a friend, a cousin, a niece, a student, an employee, a colleague, an athlete, a young woman.  I am young, friendly, healthy, blessed, intelligent, selfless, helpful, hopeful, and full of dreams and ideals.  I am scared, confused, stressed, selfish, ungrateful and hesitant.

Ultimately I am human.